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Home News A sight for sore eyes!

A sight for sore eyes!

One is used to book releases, where friends and family make the numbers. Even a 50 seater would be too big to fill.

ramayanam dushyant sridhar

       By        Narasimhan Vijayaraghavan

It is 22nd June,2024. Saturday. 15.40 hrs. Venue: Narada Gana Sabha, Alwarpet,Chennai. The huge hall is filled to the brim for a 16.00 hour start to the programme. And the aisles are occupied by squatters. There are cameras in every direction ready to shoot. What the hell ( why use this expression- for nothing else would capture the occasion, you see). Is going on?

It is a sight for sore eyes. As a writer,  yours  truly is stunned into silence and meditative writing. The occasion: Release of the book- Ramayana Vol.1- Harper Collin’s- Rs.699/-378 pp. Author: Dushyant Sridhar. And a queue to buy books, at the entrance. Bharat Ratna M S Subbulakshmi is playing. Ramayana songs, in her mellifluous voice. And the gathering to listen/watch a galaxy of speakers. It does not happen everyday. Not even once in a blue moon. Surely , not in Chennai.

In this WhatsApp, Facebook,  Instagram, Teldgram, Twitter age, reading is no longer cool. WhatsApp forwards make the faculty and syllabus,  as if an University. Old, middle aged and young are in attendance. There is a sense of  devotion as MS sings her iconic bajans. Prayers on the lips. Above all else, as a writer one is moved by just the event. To release a BOOK. Just a BOOK. Such a huge gathering in Chennai. And on a Saturday afternoon.

What brings them all? The author? The speakers? Subject? A mix of all of them. I pick up a copy. Sold at a discount for Rs.600/-.First  look at the cover. Breathtaking. Stunning. Colorful and caltivating. A work of art. The dexterous drawings are from the mighty pen, pencil, painting of the non pareil V Keshav. He, of the cartoonist fame. This is different. Uniquely distinct for a spiritual journey of a well known epic of thousands of years vintage!

Even as one is instantly drawn to reading the book, aware of the storyline, characters et al, the show begins on the dot. Time to sit back, relax and drink the event. One is used to book releases, where friends and family make the numbers. Even a 50 seater would be too big to fill. The sense of anticipation from an eager beaver audience was unusual and fit to absorb and remember.

Well, surely I shall review the book, later. For now, just the occasion is overwhelming for a book lover, whose passion is writing. It is lovely to see such a huge crowd of all ages,   for a book release! Genuinely moved? Jai Shri Ram!



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