ஏன் பெண்ணே… மகளிர் தின சிறப்பு பாடல்

Yet another initiative from R.Kumar Narayanan for this year’s Woman’s Day is a song that portrays the imbalance of rights and position of women that definitely weighs more only towards men. Their plight seems to continue, in spite of many woman achievers having excelled in various fields, hitherto dominated by men.

The song conveys that men, by and large still look at women more from a physical angle, that seems to demean the respect women truly deserve. Often, the relationship with a man for a woman, turns out to be more putting her behind the bars of a jail called home, instead of offering her security and comfort.

The song stresses the fact that unless men make a conscious effort to change their attitude and outlook towards women, it would not be possible to witness equality in societies between the 2 sexes.

In short, the song is a cry of love, for men to wake up, to put the balance of inequality between the two sexes in order.


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